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DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to transform their health. She is the mother of five adult children and travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups. Dr. Gamble has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 20 years.


More importantly, she has assisted many people in transforming their health and becoming empowered from previous dependency upon drugs, surgeries, and other medical disease management interventions.  Her revolutionary message is: All people have a divine healer within who can break free from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain and suffering to lead happy, healthy, and purpose-driven lives.


Today, she seeks to pass on some of the gifts of healing that were given to her by teaching women and men how to clear their minds, soothe their hearts, uplift their spirits, and nourish their bodies to heal themselves completely and serve the ones they love with passion and vitality.



Professional Accomplishments

  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude from The City College of New York with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and English with an emphasis on Secondary School Education

  • She earned a masters and doctorate in Naturology

  • Board-certified alternative health care provider

  • She has advanced training and certification in Functional Endocrinology and Blood Chemistry, Colon Hydrotherapy, Childbirth Education and Doula Support. 

  • Certified HeartMath Coach and Mentor

  • Certified Marriage PREP Facilitator

  • Completed her training in Brain Chemistry with The Walsh Institute and The Amen Clinic

  • Completed her coach training in Strategic Interventions at Robbins-Madanes Training 


Meet Dr. Michelle

She currently travels worldwide and around the nation presenting community empowerment workshops on various aspects of natural health and wellness to people of all ages. 

Online Webinars

Dr. Gamble presents online to assist individuals and groups in transforming their health through the natural healing power of nature’s cures, customized diet and lifestyle interventions.



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